Service Quality

In our company, proper regulation and continuous improvement of our service quality system are also placed on high priority. Our mission is safety, precision and reliability in order to keep the trust of our customers and employees as well.


Service Quality, especially in the oil industry works effectively through the application of established HSE systems and the maintenance of HSE awareness. For this reason, priority is given to the implementation of measures to maintain and improve safe work conditions at all units, in relation to technical and operational events that affect Service Quality.


Tracking of our performance is supported by a structured data assessment protocol based on service quality guidelines. We place a high priority on maintaining our outstanding performance in the region by analysing trends in key performance indicators and implementing scheduled preventive actions based on processed incident reports, while effectively minimising lost time incidents in line with oil industry standards.


We support our customer and client relationship through a two-way channel that includes customer satisfaction surveys and feedback processing, as well as a reporting system tailored to our customers specific needs, which contribute to the sustainability of the excellent reputation we have built over the decades, while improving our service quality and strengthening trust with our clients.